Summer's Gone Away, Gone Away With Yesterday.

Over the past couple of weeks I've sat at my computer numerous times trying to put Summer 2016 into words. After many unsuccessful attempts to create collages of pictures that perfectly capture the fun we had, I realized it's nearly impossible to touch on it all. The beautiful weddings we've attended, our family reunion, the pool parties, the projects we started and the projects we finished and the road trips. I don't know where to begin. It was truly a great summer and quite possibly the first one I ever let go of feeling refreshed and fulfilled.

With so much going on and so many familiar faces vacationing on Route 19, it's easy to lose sight of the reality that is work Monday to Friday, responsibilities of being a homeowner and the importance of quality time with people you love. I should probably add budgeting to that list, as I tend to stop tracking my spending in the summer months. This summer, not so much. This summer I kicked FOMO to the curb and I loved every minute of my cozy visits with friends, my time spent at the sewing machine and soaking up the sun on the sand and by the pool. I even took pride in choosing a glass of wine and an episode of Big Brother over attending some of the best parties of the year. Laugh all you want. 

It's not officially over but I've certainly had my fill. Summer '16, that's a wrap.

